Rhythms of Grace

My heart wants to weep a little when I read the words “real rest.” I crave it. Yearn for it. And, my parent-friend, learning the unforced rhythms of grace these days is so necessary.

Headshot2 Natalie Frisk

Anyone else feeling a bit toasted? Done? At the end of their selves?

Yeah, I’m with you. Life isn’t easy these days. If you live in Ontario (Canada) like I do, you’ll be feeling this lockdown more than ever. Personally, I’m working from home. My husband is working from home. Our daughter is doing online school. We depend on the internet, and while we’re grateful for the connectivity, we’re also frustrated every time we have a blip in the technology.

The socialization of school is lost, and so, for my daughter the enjoyment of school is diminished significantly. And the stress of school is off the charts. As a parent, I feel the pressure and pull between parenting, helping my daughter with her schooling, helping to minimize her stress levels, while pastoring online and attempting meaningful connection with my parishioners. I know my husband feels this same pull, though he isn’t pastoring, he is working from home and attempting the balance as well. Add in all of the bumps and conflict of always being in one another’s space and it sometimes feels like home is a bit of a pressure cooker.

And then, of course, there are all of the things we are distracted by that draw us away from this balancing act as well: a leaky faucet, a delivery at the door, a cat fight (literally!), and the low hum of anxiety that persists everywhere I look.

Friends, this isn’t an easy time. If you happen to be one of the very few people who are happily floating through life right now, I’m so glad for you! What a gift! Please use that superpower to share love, peace, and kindness with those around you.

But this is certainly not everyone’s reality. And so, if you, like me, are feeling it, join me in the gentle words of Jesus today (from the Message version):

Are you tired? Worn out? (Burned out on religion?)
Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Maybe you just need to read that again. Go for it. My heart wants to weep a little when I read the words “real rest.” I crave it. Yearn for it. And, my parent-friend, learning the unforced rhythms of grace these days is so necessary.

Truth time: I’ve been a bit of a workaholic from the beginning of my ministry career. I took pride in working crazy hours. Busyness was a badge of honour.

But this season has taught me that in order to discover the unforced rhythms of grace badge, I need to let go of the busyness badge.

While I’m working if my daughter interrupts me with something and needs my time, I’m surrendering that time to her.
When I have meetings in the evenings, I’m taking a slower start to my morning so that I’m not working a 10-12 hour day.
When I need to stand up and walk around, I no longer feel guilty taking a brief stroll outdoors for “recess” with my daughter and husband.
When I need to make a run to the drugstore or grocery for a moment, I go without the radio. I take a break from all the noise of life and drive in silence with Jesus.

I’m fumbling and stumbling to find the unforced rhythms of grace that Jesus so gently offers us. Won’t you join me?