Fireworks Hunting
When God turns our weaknesses to strength
Jesus-centred parenting in an ever-changing world.
When God turns our weaknesses to strength
Even amid a pandemic, our call as parents is to not just plant seeds in the ground. It’s also to water and to work the ground long after the grass grows.
Children's feelings can be hard to cope with sometimes (all the time), but I'm learning to let myself be surprised by them.
That was when I heard a voice inside telling me, “No. Pause and take it all in. Breathe in these precious moments. Savour the chaos”.
What does gentleness look like in the middle of all this craziness?
Easing Back into Being Together
Tackling Big Questions from our Little Humans
Grief was a topic that was not at all on my radar. But I then discovered I had some significant re-learning to do with how children cope with it.
My fellow parents, on this marvelous and difficult journey we call parenting, I want to invite you to join me in increasing our praises and decreasing our curses.
My heart wants to weep a little when I read the words “real rest.” I crave it. Yearn for it. And, my parent-friend, learning the unforced rhythms of grace these days is so necessary.
We may not be able to shield our children (or ourselves) from the travesties of the world, but we can teach them where to go with their pain and sadness.
God wants us to be good little girls and boys. That’s what I thought. And though it might have been there in the subtext, what wasn’t actually said was: “because Jesus…” Jesus loves us so incredibly deeply, he wants us to follow him and his way, and he wants the very best for us. That’s what’ll make it good.