Early Years
The journey starts here.
At this age, children are constantly learning. We know that they are perceiving so much more than they can express. So while One Story Early Years is designed to help children build their repertoire of biblical stories, it is also designed with activities that make space for them to experience God’s love as they are being pointed to Jesus. All of this is done through an intentional design that has been created for their developmental stage.
Our Early Years curriculum is designed as a 2-year cycle that will walk kids through God’s story from Creation to the New Testament church once each year. Each story is connected to a Big Idea that helps the children see how God’s story makes a difference in how we live our lives today.
Our intention is that each child will go through this cycle twice by the time they enter Grade 1, giving them a firm foundation of God’s big story which will be built on in our Kids curriculum. As children journey through this cycle, they will learn about God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit, as well as the fact that they are a part of the Church!
Scope and Sequence
Scripture: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis 3
In this series, children will learn that God created a very good world for us to care for and enjoy. Children will discover that out of his great love, God created all things. We live in God’s world, made in his image, and as we live we can share his love.
Scripture: Genesis 6-9, Genesis 15 & 17-18, Genesis 25, Genesis 28:10-22
In this series, children will learn that God’s promises always come true. God has made a great many promises, and we can know that he is
trustworthy because what he says is always truthful. Children will learn about God’s promises to Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob
in this series. Children will also discover that God’s promises are still true for us today in Jesus!
Scripture: Genesis 37-46, Exodus 2-20, 1 Samuel 16, 2 Samuel 6:1-15
In this series, children will learn that God wants us to know him. Throughout the stories of the Old Testament, we can see God’s desire to have a connection with his people. Children will learn through the stories of Joseph, Moses, David, and Daniel as they learn what it means to be known by God and for us to know God.
Scripture: Isaiah 7, 9, 40, Matthew 1:18-23, Luke 1:26-38 & 2:1-6, Luke 1:39-56, Luke 1-2
In this series, children will hear all about the amazing events surrounding Jesus’ birth and celebrate his birthday! The big idea is that Jesus is God’s son, and through the stories of the prophet Isaiah, Jesus’ family line, Jesus’ birth, and the wisemen coming to worship Jesus, children will discover that this is a huge deal!
Scripture: Luke 2:41-52, Luke 3:1-20, Matthew 3:13-17, John 2:1-11
In this series, children will learn that Jesus grew up, just like we do! They will start with the story of Jesus as a boy, and journey through his early ministry life. As they journey with Jesus, they will discover that Jesus grew up with friends and family, as that will be seen throughout the stories from this series.
Scripture: Luke 5:17-25, Luke 8:22-25, Luke 8:49-56, John 6:1-15
In this series, children will discover that one of the ways Jesus showed people that he is God was through miracles. Children will learn a few of the amazing miracles that Jesus performed while he was here on earth, and that Jesus did these things out of his great love for people.
Scripture: Luke 18:15-17, Matthew 20:20-28, Luke 18:35-43, Luke 10:25-37
In this series, children will see that Jesus loves them, Jesus teaches us how to serve, and Jesus wants us to serve others, too. Even from the youngest age, as children are learning to do so many things, learning to care for others, help, and serve are things that we believe Jesus wants us to teach them too.
Scripture: John 13:1-17, Mark 15-16, Matthew 26-28, John 20:19-31, John 21:1-14
After Jesus rose from the dead, he spent time visiting people and spending a little more time with his disciples. In this series, kids will hear stories of Jesus and his friends after he rose from the dead. This series is about Jesus after death, and children will be reminded that Jesus is alive forever!
Scripture: Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:42-47, Acts 4:1-4 & 23-31, Acts 4:32-37
In this series, children will learn that they are a part of the church, and that they matter in it! Children will be reminded that Jesus is Lord and he loves them, and he has a place for them in his church.
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 8, Acts 9, Acts 16:11-15
In this series, children will learn that Jesus loves us so much, and he wants us to share his love with others. In fact, Jesus gives us a job to do: to share his love with the whole world! It’s a big job, but together with God’s help, we can do it.
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34, Matthew 6:8-12, Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 7:24-27
In this series, children will see the way that Jesus teaches us how to live by doing for others what we want them to do for us. In other words, children will hear Jesus’ teaching and be encouraged to live it out!
Scripture: 2 Kings 20:1-11, Psalm 150, 1 Samuel 1:9-20, Ruth 1-4, Daniel 6, Jeremiah 18:1-12
In this series, children will learn that when God’s love fills them up, it comes out in joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Children will learn about real characters from the Bible who show God’s love in this way, and they will get to consider what love looks like in their lives too!
What’s included:
Weekly lesson plans including bible stories, discussion questions, activities, and games.
Weekly videos to accompany each lesson plan.
Series overviews that break down each week’s Big Idea, God Story, and learning outcomes.
Supply lists that compile the materials to print and gather for each week.
Weekly activity pages to print.
Series graphics for digital use.
Take Home Cards for parents and community engagement.
Access to 10 unique One Story Music tracks that can be downloaded and used as part of the Early Years lessons.
Resources to help you continue the learning and engagement experience beyond Sundays into the rest of the week in a variety of settings.
Access to our customer service team should you have any questions or issues.