A Posture of Gratitude in the Madness of Parenting
That was when I heard a voice inside telling me, “No. Pause and take it all in. Breathe in these precious moments. Savour the chaos”.
That was when I heard a voice inside telling me, “No. Pause and take it all in. Breathe in these precious moments. Savour the chaos”.
When God turns our weaknesses to strength
My fellow parents, on this marvelous and difficult journey we call parenting, I want to invite you to join me in increasing our praises and decreasing our curses.
My heart wants to weep a little when I read the words “real rest.” I crave it. Yearn for it. And, my parent-friend, learning the unforced rhythms of grace these days is so necessary.
I think God sees my dangly Velcro straps and knows something that I don’t. I think that where I see my own weakness and mess, he sees purpose and opportunity.